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National of Federation Kyodan Women’s Societies initial replies to PCT Women’s concern

Subject: We will pray for you

E-mail sent Saturday, March 12, 2011 1:34 a.m.

To National of Federation Kyodan Women's Societies

Dear Michinar and our sisters,
I hope God's mercy being with you and you are all safe.
We are so shocked and sorry about the earthquake and tsunami
devastated your country a few hours ago.
We will pray for you and your country,especially those victims.
May our Lord's mercy on your country.
No more earthquake and other disasters again...

Love and Peace
Hsing-Ling and sisters in Taiwan

E-mail REPLIES RECEIVED TO DATE – 11-13 March 2011

(1) Reply received: 3/12 19:47

Dear Hsing-Ling and sisters in Taiwan,

Thank you for your kind mail and prayer for us, Japan!

Really we are surprised and shocked at the huge earthquake and Tsunami since yesterday afternoon. Just this time the standing committee of NCC has been held in Tokyo. We noticed unusual strong earthquake, after that we found that all traffic communication is shut down even in Tokyo. After the end of the committee I had to come back only on foot. I started about 17:00 and arrived at my house about 22:00 at last. From the meeting church to my house is about 16 kilometers. I became exhausted completely.

Today from early morning till now we are watching TV almost all day long. You know, the Tohoku district northeastern region of Honshuu was completely destroyed. And to be shocked not only Tohoku but also other places were devastated by earthquake and Tsunami. TV shows us a lot of debris after the devilish Tsunami. My husband and I lose our saying.

Furthermore to be more serious, one of the nuclear power plants seems to have damage. But now it is not clear at all. Actually we worry about that many churches are confusing and have desperate situations.

I would pray for them in this devastated area that many pastors and church members are safe and can worship tomorrow even if their churches were disappeared by this disaster.

Would you please continue to pray for many sufferers ?
Thank you so much for your kindness and warm comfort.

Love and Peace

資料提供單位:PCT Women's Ministry Committee
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